Unable to afford regular acupuncture sessions due to the high cost? The Shakti mat is a more affordable solution that stays with you long after the acupuncturist has closed. Instead of spending $100 per session, you can get quality Shakti mats for as low as $30.
Even if you are rich enough to visit ancient healing practice clinics, the Shakti mat is still an essential item. You should have it if you want a private therapy session in the comfort of your home.
To tell the story of the Shakti mat without narrating the popular ‘bed of nails craze’ that took over the West in 2012 is like narrating the history of yoga in the west with no regard to the 1890s westernization of yoga. That would be incomplete storytelling.
From performing tricks on people’s minds to breaking multiple Guinness World records, Indian Fakirs and lovers of eastern medicine have modernized the concept of the bed of nails. People perceived that sitting on nails was a dangerous act. Although they are right to an extent, the physics change when the number of nails increases.
You would get punctured by a nail when you mistakenly step or sit on it. It is because your body exerts an intense force on the sharp object. When the nails become more, the force exerted by your body is evenly on the bed of your nails. Also, your bare skin won’t be harmed.
Contrary to popular belief, the belief that the Fakirs who performed ‘tricks’ were unharmed by the nails because of the intervention of a higher power is simply untrue. It is basic science.
While acupuncture is widespread in Asia, especially in China and India, the bed of nails was originally invented by Indians. As seen in Traditional Chinese Medicine, the design of the bed of nails considers the acupoints.
The original structure was not hygienic and appealing to most westerners. They greatly appreciated the science from a distance, but the eastern invention’s growth did not skyrocket as it should have. Given the benefits that come with it, it was rather strange that it did not find its way into the homes of regular Westerners.
The solution was to reinvent the bed of nails. Unlike its antecedent, made of nails, the shakti mat has 230 hard plastic buttons designed with 6000 tiny spikes. Another obvious difference is that the bed of thorns is built on wood, while the Shakti mat, as its name implies, is designed on a soft mat to make it more comfortable.
Although the idea sprung from the idea, the reinvention was premeditated and reinvented by a westerner named Jonathan Hellbom. Jonathan is an ex-circus performer turned monk who saw the potential of a reformed ‘bed of nails’ and how such a device can propel acupuncture practice into more homes.
2022 NBA Draft: Complete coverage of the latest trades and picks 10 Call Center Management Tools to Optimize Your Business 5 Best Noise Cancelling Headphones of 2022The Shakti Mat targets the body acupoints using its plastic fangs. The number of the safely attached spikes on a flat mat depends on the type of shakti mat in question.
There are three types of acupuncture shakti mats, namely the original shakti mat (6000 points of contact), the shakti light (8000 POC), and the advanced shakti mat or simply advanced mat (4000 POC). The spikiest shakti has the least number of plastic fangs.
As we’ve explained earlier, the level of difficulty of a shakti mat is determined by the number of fangs on it. The more the points of contact, the lower the pressure exerted by each fang unit. You can expect the shakti light to exert less force per area than the regular shakti mat or the shakti advanced.
It works on the principle of the meridian system, a system that is generally respected across all of Eastern culture.
Acupuncturists believe life energy (aka Chi) moves via meridians in the body. To make the client feel better, they apply pressure to the Ashi trigger points, also known as the acupuncture points. By doing so, the blockages in these meridians are cleared.
The total Ashi trigger points in the human body are 400, but there are 20 meridians. The meridians can be divided into twelve primary meridians and eight extraordinary channels. The principal meridians surrounding the Lung, pericardium, and heart are called the Yin meridians, while the ones around the kidney, spleen, and liver are known as the Yang meridians.
It (the meridian system) gets more complex as you dig deeper. But it is not the same as the nervous system taught in a science school. The presence or impact of the meridian system has no scientific backing, yet it works for certain disorders that we will discuss as we proceed.
For the sake of this article, we will limit ourselves to the basic knowledge of the meridian system. The next section will discuss how to use the Shakti mat properly.
The usual point of contact with the Shakti mat in the back, but you can use it for other body parts such as knees, thighs, sore feet, jaw, stomach, neck, and shoulders.
Aim of therapy: Appling, the acupressure mat on your back, triggers the acupoints, hence creating a soothing feeling in your spine area.
Aim of therapy: When done right, the practice would enhance stomach metabolic activities and ease the tightness around the respiratory muscles and diaphragm.
Aim of therapy: Following the above-listed steps would reduce the tightness in the neck region and jaw. We recommend using the shakti light for the cheeks instead of the shakti mat Advanced or pillow. The shakti promises decompression, pain relief, and deep sleep if used correctly.
While the three procedures we discussed require you to lie horizontally, you can use the Shakti mat on your back and thighs while sitting. You just have to buy a shakti mat long enough to cover the length from the neck to the thigh area.
Also, you can stand or kneel on your shakti mat if you intend to use it on your feet or legs. There are numerous ways to apply the shakti mat, and you can invent more safe applications.
Avoid using the wrong mat if you want to find the shakti super helpful. Use the shakti light or beginner mat if the advanced mat is too harsh on your skin.
If you notice any abnormal developments after using the shakti product, it shows how much tension the mat imposes on your skin.
While the genuine shakti mat works for all the disorders listed below, understand that it is not a once-and-for-all cure for them. It would help you feel better during and after usage, but you should see your health practitioner for diagnosis and medical advice.
Our experience with the shakti mat has been nothing short of amazing. At first, the sharp edges of the pastiche units would make you uncomfortable, but you will experience a warm feeling afterward. Within 15 minutes, you will feel the positive impact of the shakti mat, but we recommend at least 20 – 25 minutes of acupuncture therapy before you fall asleep.
As you frequently use the shakti mat, the initial discomfort will disappear, and you will feel normal.
Adult life is full of constant hustle; sometimes, we push the limits of our flesh. Insomnia is one of the vast consequences of tampering with our sleep cycles.
Not sleeping well can lower your productivity at work. Often, we wake up tired because we forced ourselves to sleep and did not get the benefits of sound natural sleep.
A 2015 study revealed that a group of women (above 50 years of age) slept better after various acupuncture sessions, including self-administered forms. The subjects were taught how to use self-acupuncture tools properly and given a diary to pend down their shakti sleep quality over time.
According to the reports, the persons that used their acupressure mats consistently and properly saw a significant increase in their sleep quality and general wellbeing.
Headache and migraine are the two worst enemies of hardworking individuals, especially if your work requires high mental input. People often use pain relievers to keep functioning in tough times, subjecting themselves to these drugs’ side effects.
The best alternative to painkillers is the acupuncture mat. There is proof that the great shakti mat original reduces the negative impact of Migraine in patients. In line with the research conducted by the National Library of Medicine.
Placed side by side with muscle relaxant therapy, acupuncture therapy was discovered to be more effective by the researchers. While the participants recorded positive impacts of the shakti mat, they noticed that the symptoms of tension headaches returned when they stopped using the Shakti mat.
This discovery is in line with our initial claim that the spiky mat is not a long-term solution for the disorders in this guide.
If you don’t treat the cause of your headache, it may remain or worsen. The shakti mat works best with actual medication prescribed by your doctor.
Clinical trials in Taiwan suggest that acupressure is a viable short-term solution for high blood pressure patients. Within 30 minutes of using the prickly mat, patients with high blood pressure experience a reduction in their b.p.
This research does not imply that shakti mat can solve the permanent impact of hypertension, as more research should be in place to solidify the researchers’ claim. However, this is good news for many battling hypertension caused by diabetes, anxiety, and heart diseases.
When voluntary muscles constrict without our consent, it often results in pain, movement restriction, and stress.
Users who had trouble sleeping or restless leg syndrome noticed they fell asleep fast after going through the shakti experience.
Lying down on the shakti mat with your stomach against it not only loosens the muscles around the diaphragm but also enhances food digestion.
There are numerous reviews to back it up. A 2015 research project shows the usage of shakti mat to enhance bowel movement, life quality of patients, and general wellbeing.
The Shakti mat is the best alternative for people who visit the acupuncturists regularly because of its affordability. Users also love the Shakti mat because of its accessibility, and it does not cost more than $20 to own a Shakti mat. While an acupuncturist session starts from 100 dollars depending on the area and acupuncturist.
How we feel and our quality of life controls much of our life. In the wise words of John Meyers, you cannot have a positive life and a negative mind. Hence, you need to invest in your general wellbeing by getting a shakti mat.
You can get your acupressure mat from Amazon or shakti community-approved platforms. We experienced fabulous, super-fast delivery when we purchased from the Amazon store (which has run out of stock). The new mat arrived in less than 72 hours.
While the Shakti acupressure can make your back look like a cheese grater and your skin look pale (if you have a light complexion), there aren’t any serious side effects with using Shakti mats.
Yes, it might be painful at first. But the soothing feeling and general well-being that comes after make you forget about the pain. And as you feel normal about it, the initial discomfort will reduce.
Not to mention, the body feels good after observing your shakti session. This is a sign that your body unblocks the chi flow.
Why does the pain go away during therapy? Initially, the shakti tingle begins during your shakti time, and the plastic fangs stimulate the production of anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving hormones such as glucagon and other calming hormones.
These endorphins would eliminate the pain and improve your health.
The endorphins are similar in function to morphisms. But unlike morphine, they are safe, natural, free of side effects, and not addictive.
However, if you are concerned about your safety, you have nothing to worry about. According to the World Health Organization, acupuncture or self-acupuncture is a safe practice for treating about 28 conditions. Some of these conditions include muscle tension, insomnia, sciatica, neck pain, fatigue, stress, and fibromyalgia.
We discussed migraines earlier but did not mention that muscle tension and spasms cause them. The Shakti mat helps produce pressure in the spine muscles and tensed nerves and helps blood flow freely without restriction.
Restriction of blood flow is quite common among our elderly ones. When blood does not circulate as it should, it deprives the joints and intervertebral discs of the necessary nutrients and water. It helps with lymph circulation as well as blood circulation.
Apart from easing muscle tension, the sleep shakti mat original also improves the biological process of bone nourishment. It also promotes cell rejuvenation in adults. Your body softens after observing your daily shakti routine.
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